General Terms of Use

The site (hereinafter “the Site”) is published and administered by Rendez-Vous Designers, association registered under number N°RNA : W751268773 SIRET 935 560 049 00010 , whose head office is located 59 bis rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris, France (hereinafter “RENDEZ-VOUS DES DESIGNERS”).

Use of the Site and purchases of products offered on the Site are subject to these Terms of Use (hereinafter “Terms of Use”).

By using the Site, the User acknowledges having read, understood and accepted without reservation these Terms of Use. Similarly, by using the Site, the Customer acknowledges having read, understood and accepted the Privacy Policy.

These Terms of Use and the Personal Data Policy may be updated at any time. The Terms of Use and the Personal Data Policy in effect at the time of use of the Site are those that are binding on the User.

The User can take notice at any time of the version of the Terms of Use or the policy of personal data in force and available in the “Legal Information” section.


The Site’s Privacy Policy governs the use of personal information provided to RENDEZ-VOUS DES DESIGNERS on this Site. RENDEZ-VOUS DES DESIGNERS  may change its Privacy Policy at any time, as provided in this document.

The Site is not intended for minor children.


All the elements (drawings, models, illustrations, images, soundtracks, texts, logos, brands …) constituting the Site is the exclusive property of RENDEZ-VOUS DES DESIGNERS.

You are prohibited from reproducing in whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, the distribution, publication, transmission, modification or sale of all or part of the content of the Site, or the creation of derivative works from this site.

The figurative sign “RENDEZ-VOUS DES DESIGNERS” and the domain name “” are and will remain the exclusive property of RENDEZ-VOUS DES DESIGNERS.

Any reproduction, distribution, transmission, modification or use of this mark without the express prior consent of RENDEZ-VOUS DES DESIGNERS, for any reason whatsoever, is prohibited.

You may not remove any copyright, trademark or other proprietary rights notices from the Site or any content contained therein.

The User may make a single copy of the Internet pages published on the Site for his private, personal and non-commercial use, provided that any copy of these Internet pages retains all the terms “copyright” and “copyright”. exclusive rights therein.

Article 3. LINKS

The Site may contain links to third-party sites that are not edited or controlled by RENDEZ-VOUS DES DESIGNERS.

Such links are only provided as a convenience. They can not and should not be interpreted as an express or implied endorsement of these sites, their content or any product or service offered there.

The User can not set up a link to the site with the express written consent of RENDEZ-VOUS DES DESIGNERS.


The User may post notices or comments on the Site as long as this content is not illegal, obscene, abusive, threatening, defamatory, slanderous, infringing intellectual property rights, or prejudicial to third parties or objectionable and does not consist of  or does not contain computer viruses, political activism, commercial solicitations, e-mail channels, mass mailing or any other form of “spam”.

The User must not use a false e-mail address, impersonate a person or entity, or lie about the origin of a credit card or content.

RENDEZ-VOUS DES DESIGNERS reserves the right (without any obligation) to remove or modify any content.

If a User thinks that a content or a Product for sale on the Site contains a defamatory message, or that his intellectual property rights have been infringed by a Product or information on the Site, he must immediately notify RENDEZ-VOUS DES DESIGNERS in sending an e-mail via the contact form.

If the User publishes comments or customer reviews, questions / answers or any other content generated by him on the Site, he grants to RENDEZ-VOUS DES DESIGNERS (i) a non-exclusive and free license to use, reproduce, publish, make available , translate and modify this content worldwide and (ii) the right to use the name used in connection with this content. No moral rights are transferred by the effect of this clause.

The User declares and guarantees to own or to have the necessary rights on the content that he publishes and that, on the date of publication of the content:

(i) the content and the material is exact,

(ii) the use of the content will not affect any natural or legal person (in particular that the content is not defamatory).

The User agrees to indemnify RENDEZ-VOUS DES DESIGNERS in case of action by a third party in connection with the content published on the Site, except in the event that the possible liability of RENDEZ-VOUS DES DESIGNERS could be sought for not having withdrawn a content of which the illicit character would have been notified to him, since this action would have for cause, foundation or origin the contents communicated by the User.


RENDEZ-VOUS DES DESIGNERS can in no way be held liable towards the User or a third party for any indirect, incidental, special or incidental damages – which includes, without being exhaustive, any loss of profit or loss. other indirect loss – resulting from the use of the Site website or the inability to use it.

This limitation of liability applies to the fullest extent permitted by law.


RENDEZ-VOUS DES DESIGNERS  can not guarantee and cannot affirm:

– that the Site is free of viruses, data overwriting programs, Trojan horses or other destruction material;

– that the information contained in the Site is accurate, complete or up to date.

The Site may contain technical inaccuracies or other defects, RENDEZ-VOUS DES DESIGNERS does not guarantee the correction of these defects.

The Site and the content of this Site are presented “as is” and “as available”.

RENDEZ-VOUS DES DESIGNERS expressly excludes any form of guarantee, and in particular, any implicit guarantee relating to the customary conditions of use of the Site or the suitability of the Site for a normal use or a specific use, its quality or the respect of all provisions legal.

This limitation of liability applies to the fullest extent permitted by law.


These Terms of Use are governed and interpreted in accordance with French law. These Terms of Use are written in French.

In case of dispute related to the use of the Site, the User has the possibility to resort to a conventional mediation procedure or any other procedure for alternative dispute resolution before submitting to the competent Court.

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